KEI Wires & Cables

Stainless Steel Wires

KEl’s Stainless Steel Wire for Springs are manufactured having excellent mechanical properties (surface, cast & helix) manufactured under strict guidance of technical people, diameter from 0.19 mm to 1.20 mm in bright finish and 0.50 mm to 6.0 mm in matte finish (coated) in grade of AISI 302, 304 & 316, 321, Standard ASTM A313 and others.


KEI offers Stainless Steel Wires with following special features adopting the site installation requirements.

  • 1. Excellent surface finish
  • 2. Superior coiling efficiency
  • 3. High corrosion resistance
  • 4. High Fatigue strength
  • Stainless Steel wire for spring is made from the selected steel. In particular to provide optimum spring efficiency, this type of wire is painstakingly finished to eliminate flaws.